
Looking for a location in your neighbourhood?

Day nursery

The day nursery is for little children aged 0 to 4 years old. Based on a clear structure they are lovingly cared for.


Our preschool is aimed at children from 2,5 to 4 years old. Children get a good preparation for the primary school here.

Inter-school care

Inter-schoolcare is having lunch at primary school. Educational staff catch your child (ren) from and return to class. Inter-school care is arranged by the school.

Out-of-school care

Out-of-school care is pre or after school time. Children can relax or participate in challenging activities.

Childminder care

Childminder care is for all children from 6 weeks until leaving primary school. Childminders take care of the children in a warm environment.

After-school activities

In various cities, we organize after-school activities (NSA) in cooperation with the municipality and schools. The NSA is accessible to all children of the schools involved.

Kind & Co Childcare

We offer more than childcare. Taking care of children is just one part of what we do. We help children to grow. Every child can be challenged and encouraged at his or her level to discover the outside world and himself.

Childcare is more than just caring for children. We help children to be themselves. In a safe, familiar environment with involved and expert teachers (we call them pedagogical employees) around them.

We are there for your children on the days that you are working. For children up to 4 years of age all day. And for children between 4 and 13 years before, between and after school.

You can also opt for childminder care. A small-scale, homely form of childcare, often with a lot of flexibility. Handy if you work irregularly. Our childminders are available for children up to 4 years of age throughout the day. Most childminders pick up children who go to primary school from school.